Discovery Smart Comprehensive:
cancer, maternity and mental health (2024)

This page has information on: Costs, Maternity, Oncology, Mental Health for Discovery Classic Smart Comprehensive

We also have information on: In-hospital, Out of hospital, Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry, Other/Extra Benefits, Wellness and Preventative and Prosthetics

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Monthly Costs:

Smart Comprehensive 2024 prices
Main member: Adult member: Child member:
Total Cost pm:
  • R7,163
  • R6,611
  • R1,671
  • Only pay for 3 children
Savings (per year):
  • No savings account option on this plan
  • The scheme might still cover some or all day-to-day claims. See below, and see benefits.
Self Payment Gap:
(What you need to pay out of pocket before you can access the "Above Threshold" benefit)
  • R15,922
  • R16,918
  • R2,500
"Above Threshold" benefit (ATB):
Additional cover the scheme makes available to you, once you've paid the self payment gap.
  • R30,000
  • R30,000
  • R7,500
Children Rates:
  • Under 21 yrs old
  • Only pay for 3 children
  • Exclusions: Note that all schemes have extensive exclusions. We've tried to list the major ones, but you must consult with your scheme to get the full list.
  • All treatments and procedures are subject to authorisation and protocols
  • All benefits are listed as an indication only. Please verify with your broker and scheme
♦️View all the other benefits for this plan:♦️
Inhospital | Out of hospital | Medication | Maternity | Cancer | Mental Health | Dentistry | Optometry | Other/Extra Benefits | Wellness | Prosthetics

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♦️Compare any two plans, side by side | ♦️View all the Discovery plans, with costs and brief summary

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Cancer/ Oncology benefits for 2024:

(Other benefits: Costs | Inhospital | Out of hospital | Medication | Maternity | Cancer | Mental Health | Dentistry | Optometry | Other/Extra Benefits | Wellness | Prosthetics)

Discovery: Smart Comprehensive
Assume scheme pays all these costs, unless otherwise stated
Overall coverage (in and out of hospital):
  • R375,000, then 20% co-payment applies for non-PMB cancers
  • Innovative cancer medicine: Certain "innovative cancer medicine" is covered with a 50% co-payment
  • Palliative Care: Unlimited cover for approved care at home
♦️View all the other benefits for this plan:♦️
Inhospital | Out of hospital | Medication | Maternity | Cancer | Mental Health | Dentistry | Optometry | Other/Extra Benefits | Wellness | Prosthetics

You can also:
♦️Compare any two plans, side by side | ♦️View all the Discovery plans, with costs and brief summary

Maternity benefits for 2024:

(Other benefits: Costs | Inhospital | Out of hospital | Medication | Maternity | Cancer | Mental Health | Dentistry | Optometry | Other/Extra Benefits | Wellness | Prosthetics)

Discovery: Smart Comprehensive
Assume scheme pays all these costs, unless otherwise stated
Hospital stay:
  • 200% scheme rate
  • Up to R2,600 per day for private ward
  • Consults: 12 consults with GP, Gynae or midwife
  • Nuchal translucency or Non-Invasive Prenatal Test if you meet the criteria
  • Devices: Up to R6,000 for registered devices (breast pumps, etc) with 25% co-payment
  • Antenatal classes: R2,300 per family
  • Certain blood tests
  • Five antenatal or postnatal classes or consultations with a registered nurse up until two years after you have given birth
  • After birth: one consult with midwife, GP or gynae; one nutritional assessment; two mental health consults, breastfeeding consultation
  • Savings on stem cell banking
  • Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART): possible cover for one or two annual cycles of ART. If you are on the oncology program, you might have access to cryopreservation and egg and sperm storage for up to five years. R129,000 per person. and a minimum 25% co-payment.
  • 2 x ultrasound scans
♦️View all the other benefits for this plan:♦️
Inhospital | Out of hospital | Medication | Maternity | Cancer | Mental Health | Dentistry | Optometry | Other/Extra Benefits | Wellness | Prosthetics

You can also:
♦️Compare any two plans, side by side | ♦️View all the Discovery plans, with costs and brief summary

Mental Health benefits for 2024:


(Other benefits: Costs | Inhospital | Out of hospital | Medication | Maternity | Cancer | Mental Health | Dentistry | Optometry | Other/Extra Benefits | Wellness | Prosthetics)

Discovery: Smart Comprehensive
Assume scheme pays all these costs, unless otherwise stated
  • Major affective disorders, anorexia and bulimia: 21 days for admissions or 15 out-of-hospital consultations
  • Attempted suicide or detoxification: 3 days admission
  • Other mental health admissions: 21 days in-hospital
  • Alcohol and drug rehab: 21 days in-hospital
  • All admissions are covered in full at a network facility, or at 80% scheme rate at a non-network facility
  • See above
  • Otherwise, paid from day-to-day benefit. Claims for psychologists and social workers fall into the supplementary benefit ie
  • Limited to:
    M =R20,950
    M1 =R28,450
    M2 =R34,700
    M3+ =R40,250
  • Traumatic event claims: 6 counselling sessions per person per year, for the year in which the trauma event occurred and the year after
  • PMBs: Prescribed Minimum Benefits. Here is a list of PMB conditions: Mental Illness.
  • DSPs: Designated Service Provders. Where stipulated, you must use specific specific providers to get full benefit.
  • Co-payment: Paid out of pocket, or out of savings account. Sometimes this is refundable to you if you have a gap product
♦️View all the other benefits for this plan:♦️
Inhospital | Out of hospital | Medication | Maternity | Cancer | Mental Health | Dentistry | Optometry | Other/Extra Benefits | Wellness | Prosthetics

You can also:
♦️Compare any two plans, side by side | ♦️View all the Discovery plans, with costs and brief summary

  • Unless specified, assume that all benefits are paid are paid at 100% scheme rate
  • No limits or co-payments can apply to treatment of PMBs, which is always unlimited, although subject to strict protocols and scheme rules.
  • "Unlimited" benefits are still subject to authorisation, protocols and sublimits
  • Assume that all benefits need to be pre-authorised

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