All the 2024 medical aid plans

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Sizwe has 9 regular medical aid plans and 1 capitated plan (Copper Core). All the plans are listed below, in order of price. Click on the plan name to view full benefits.

Note: “EDO” refers to plans that are networked, and that limit you to certain hospitals. They are cheaper than the regular Sizwe plans.

Regular Plans, by price

Plans are listed by increasing price. For income-based (capitated) plans, if any, see below.
Looking for another scheme? We have all the plans for all the open medical aid schemes. You can find them here.

Some notes:
  • When you click on the plan name, you will see the detailed costs, as well as all the benefits that plan offers.
  • Price is not a good indicator of value. Different schemes pay for different things, and a more expensive plan can actually end up saving you money in the long run. Nevertheless, if you prefer, you can search for a medical aid by price.
Main: Adult: Child: Hospitals:
Saver 15 R 2,254 R 1,941 R 450 View all benefits
Core R 2,418 R 2,084 R 485 View all benefits
Saver 25 R 3,092 R 2,669 R 618 View all benefits
Saver 25 R 3,092 R 2,669 R 618 View all benefits
Gold Acend EDO R 3,249 R 3,119 R 895 Network View all benefits
Gold Ascend R 3,417 R 3,282 R 943 View all benefits
Value Core R 4,051 R 3,887 R 1,079 View all benefits
Value R 4,401 R 4,226 R 1,175 View all benefits
Platinum Enhanced EDO R 4,511 R 4,511 R 1149 Network View all benefits
Platinum Enhanced R 4,746 R 4,456 R 1297 View all benefits
Plus R 7,227 R 6,893 R 1,576 View all benefits
Titanium Executive R 8,415 R 7,446 R 1,719 View all benefits

Capitated Plans, by price

Below is a full list of this scheme's capitated medical aid plans. With these plans, the less you make the less you pay for your medical aid. The benefits stay the same for all the income levels, only the price changes. We list all the capitated plans and explain them in more detail here.

Income Bracket: Main: Adult: Child:
Copper Core A R0-R8,500 R 1,870 R 1870 R 649 View all benefits
Copper Core B R8,501-R13,000 R 2,240 R 2240 R 828 View all benefits
Copper Core C R13,000+ R 2,839 R 2839 R 845 View all benefits

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