Gap Cover: Bonus Benefits (2025)

What's on this page:

As the gap covers evolve, so do the benefits that they offer.

Insurers are getting creative in what they cover, and benefits can include many extra add-ons that extend well beyond unpaid in-hospital medical bills.

No product offers all of these, so you need to read the marketing brochure carefully, or ask your broker.

  • Pre and post surgery consultations (but for this to apply, medical aid usually needs to pay something towards the cost, from either risk or savings)
    Example: Zest
  • Upgrades to a private room
    This can be for any procedure, or specific to maternity
    Example: Totalrisk, Netcare Plus
  • Preventative-care allowance,
    eg Pap Smears or mammograms.
    Example: Stratum
  • Take home medicine,
    If your medical aid (eg. Discovery Health) does not pay for it
  • Help with the admin
    Help you with complicated medical aid claims
  • International medical care
    Cover for medical costs while travelling outside of South Africa, Does not apply to planned procedures or cancer treatment.
    Example: Zest
  • Travel insurance
    Cover for lost luggage, etc
    Example: Turnberry, Stratum
  • Trauma counselling
    Access to help lines or in-person consults following a traumatic event eg. violent crime or death of a loved one
    Example: Zest
  • Hospital booster
    Cash payout for every day you spend in hospital after an accident
    Example: Kaelo
  • Product discounts
    20% off certain items at Dischem, for an extra monthly payment
    Example: Dischem Gap, Kaelo
  • Home birth shortfalls
    12m waiting period
    Example: Zest
  • Day to day maternity benefits
    Extra cover for consults, scans, and high risk pregnancies
    Example: Netcare Plus
  • Day to day costs
    Very rare benefit for shortfalls on day-to-day specialists
    Example: Netcare Plus, Stratum
  • Breast reconstruction costs
    Medical aid often does not pay for the non-cancerous breast reconstruction as it’s seen as cosmetic procedure
    Example: Stratum, Turnberry, Total Risk

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