Discovery Chronic Condition coverage (2022)

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Table of Contents

Chronic Disease List

  • By law, each scheme must cover certain medicine and treatment for 27 Chronic Diseases (CDL). These are listed below. You can read more about Prescribed Minimum Benefits here.
  • The Executive and Comprehensive plans also cover other chronic conditions, also listed below
  • For every CDL condition there is a basic treatment plan. This can include consultations, pathology and radiology and medicine. You have full cover for healthcare providers who we have a payment arrangement with Discovery Health the diagnosis and ongoing management of chronic conditions
  • Each plan has a list (formulary) of accepted medicines which Discovery will pay for. There are also additional funds for medicines not on the formulary, which are scheme and illness dependent. Speak to Discovery about your specific circumstance.
All the plans
CDL 1 Addison’s Disease Covered
CDL 2 Asthma Covered
CDL 3 Bipolar Mood Disorder Covered
CDL 4 Bronchiectasis Covered
CDL 5 Cardiomyopathy Covered
CDL 6 Chronic Renal Failure Covered
CDL 7 COPD Covered
CDL 8 Congestive Heart Failure Covered
CDL 9 Coronary Artery Disease Covered
CDL 10 Crohn’s Disease Covered
CDL 11 Diabetes Insipidius Covered
CDL 12 Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Covered
CDL 13 Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Covered
CDL 14 Dysrhythmia Covered
CDL 15 Epilepsy Covered
CDL 16 Glaucoma Covered
CDL 17 Haemophilia Covered
CDL 18 HIV/AIDS Covered
CDL 19 Hyperlipidaemia Covered
CDL 20 Hypertension Covered
CDL 21 Hypothyroidism Covered
CDL 22 Multiple Sclerosis Covered
CDL 23 Parkinson’s Disease Covered
CDL 24 Rheumatoid Arthritis Covered
CDL 25 Schizophrenia Covered
CDL 26 Systemic Lupus Covered
CDL 27 Ulcerative Colitis Covered

non-CDL conditons: not mandated by law, but still covered by the Scheme

Executive and Comprehensive Other Plans
non-CDL Ankylosing Spondylitis Covered Not covered
non-CDL Behcet’s isease Covered Not covered
non-CDL Cystic Fibrosis Covered Not covered
non-CDL Delusional Disorder Covered Not covered
non-CDL Dermatopolymyositis Covered Not covered
non-CDL Generalised Anxiety Disorder Covered Not covered
non-CDL Huntington’s Disease Covered Not covered
non-CDL Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency Covered Not covered
non-CDL Major Depression Covered Not covered
non-CDL Motor Neuron Disease Covered Not covered
non-CDL Muscular Dystrophy Covered Not covered
non-CDL Myasenthia Gravis Covered Not covered
non-CDL OCD Covered Not covered
non-CDL Osteoperosis Covered Not covered
non-CDL Paget’s Disease Covered Not covered
non-CDL Panic Disorder Covered Not covered
non-CDL Polyarteritis Nodosa Covered Not covered
non-CDL Psoriatic Arthrisis Covered Not covered
non-CDL PTSD Covered Not covered
non-CDL Pulmonary Interstitial Fibrosis Covered Not covered
non-CDL Sjorgen’s Disease Covered Not covered
non-CDL Systemic Sclerosis Covered Not covered
non-CDL Wegner’s granulomatosis Covered Not covered

You’ll get the printable guide as well as a weekly newsletter 🙂
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