Pet insurance covers your dog or cat against unexpected medical costs. Birds and reptiles are covered by some insurers, too! (Example: Dotsure)
Types of Benefits
Benefits are broadly divided into 4 categories:
- Accident (major injury by unforeseen causes, that requires immediate attention)
- Illness, that may or may not require an overnight stay
- Minor consults that do not require an overnight stay
- Wellness and other add-on benefits (see below)
The entry level plans start with accident cover only, and move up in price as you include illness, consults and welfare benefits. You can choose a plan that is any combination of those, or custom design your own from certain insurers.
Accident and Illness Benefits
These can cover blood tests, x-rays, medication, surgery, rehabilitation, hospital stay and diagnostic tests. Specifics are explained in the marketing sheets of the product, and all insurers have their unique combinations, limits and conditions.
Some insurers differentiate claims between “hospitalised” and “not hospitalised” events, regardless of the cause, and adjust benefit accordingly.
Wellness Benefits
Wellness benefits can include vaccinations, deworming, microchips, flea control, sterilisation, dental check ups and other routine vet check ups. They are often offered at an extra cost to the base premium.
Other Benefits
Each insurer tries to differentiate their products not just on price and “usual benefits“, but on unique combination of “add-on“ products. Here are some you may see being marketed:
Puppy classes: Benefit for puppy socialising classes, or behaviour adjustment classes.
(Example: Outsurance, Mutualpets)
Cremation: This benefit is usually included, if necessary, as part of the treatment or admission claim.
Lost pet assistance Cover for advertising costs to attempt recovery of a lost or stolen pet.
Prescription food and Chronic conditions: With some insurers you can select an add-on option to cover chronic medication, supplements and prescription food. (Example: Medipet, Outsurance)