Theo gerdener, haematologist

Dr Theo Gerdener

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Dr Theo Gerdener

Tel: 012 993 2555

Specialty/Specialties: Haematologist

Area(s): Pretoria, Pretoria .

Focus areas:

Hospital/Facility Affiliations: Unspecified

Cost and Payment information:

Cost, 1st consult: Medical aid rates, (approx R1,000)
Payment options for consults, if you have a savings account or authorisation: Practice claims from medical aid
Contracted Medical Aids: We are sourcing this info. Please help us.
Note: This information is here as a guideline, and needs to be confirmed by patient at time of making appointment. Not all medical aids are accepted by all doctors. Consult fees can include tests and other extras. Do you have more accurate information? Let us know!

Contact details:

Address 1: Suite 34, Netcare Pretoria East Hospital, Cnr Garsfontein & Netcare Rds Moreleta Park, 012 993 2555
Address 2: Midstream Hill Medical Park, Building Goz, Midstream Hill, Midstream Estate,
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More about Dr Theo Gerdener

Dr Theo Gerdener completed his medical studies at the University of Pretoria in 2003.

He then studied Haematopathology at the University of Cape Town and, after finishing this degree in 2009, subspecialised in Clinical Haematology until 2011. After spending some time in Port Elizabeth and Cape Town, he joined ABJ in January 2012. His hobbies include photography and travelling.

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