Andrew McDonald

Dr Andrew McDonald

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Dr Andrew McDonald

Tel: 018 468 1420

Specialty/Specialties: Haematologist

Area(s): Klerksdorp, Pretoria , Witbank.

Focus areas: Haemophilia, bone marrow transplant

Hospital/Facility Affiliations: Unspecified

Cost and Payment information:

Cost, 1st consult: Medical aid rates, (approx R1,000)
Payment options for consults, if you have a savings account or authorisation: Practice claims from medical aid
Contracted Medical Aids: Most medical aids
Note: This information is here as a guideline, and needs to be confirmed by patient at time of making appointment. Not all medical aids are accepted by all doctors. Consult fees can include tests and other extras. Do you have more accurate information? Let us know!

Contact details:

Address 1: Wilmed Park Hospital, Cnr Marmer & Ametis Street, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp, 018 468 1420
Address 2: Suite 34, Netcare Pretoria East Hospital, Cnr Garsfontein & Netcare Rds Moreleta Park,
Address 3: Centre del la Vie, Oncology 301, Beatty Ave 1173, Die Heuwel Ext 8, Witbank,
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More about Dr Andrew McDonald

Dr Andrew McDonald studied at UCT for both undergraduate and post graduate training; specialising as a physician, and later doing Clinical Haematology.

From 2001 until 2012 he was a consultant in the Department of Haematology at Groote Schuur Hospital, training junior doctors and supervising management of people with blood disorders.

From 2012 onwards, Dr McDonald has been practising as a Clinical Haematologist at Alberts Cellular Therapy at Pretoria East Hospital.

Dr McDonald’s training and work experience at Groote Schuur Hospital equipped him to look after the broad range of blood disorders: GSH is the largest state hospital bone marrow transplant centre; he was also the head of the Haemophilia and Related Bleeding Disorders Clinic, as well as the chairman of MASAC of the South Africa Haemophilia foundation for 4 years.

Since arriving in Pretoria, together with the excellent team of doctors and nurses and support staff, they have achieved JACIE accreditation for transplants, and attempts to provide the highest standard of care for blood diseases.

Dr Andrew McDonald has a wide range of interests in blood disorders, and is actively involved in research with new drugs.

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