Henri Myburgh, chiropractor

Dr Henri Myburgh

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Dr Henri Myburgh

Tel: 041 581 1177

Specialty/Specialties: Chiropractor

Area(s): Port Elizabeth, , .

Focus areas: Spinal and extremity manipulative therapy, soft tissue/trigger point therapy (Dry needling, active release therapy, impulse adjusting, kinesiotaping and strapping)

Hospital/Facility Affiliations: Unspecified

Cost and Payment information:

Cost, 1st consult: We are sourcing this info. Please help us.
Payment options for consults, if you have a savings account or authorisation:
Contracted Medical Aids: We are sourcing this info. Please help us.
Note: This information is here as a guideline, and needs to be confirmed by patient at time of making appointment. Not all medical aids are accepted by all doctors. Consult fees can include tests and other extras. Do you have more accurate information? Let us know!

Contact details:

Address 1: 169 Fordyce Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth, 041 581 1177
Website: https://drcandicedugmorechiropractor.co.za
Do you have more accurate information? Let us know!


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More about Dr Henri Myburgh

Dr Henri Myburgh qualified with a Masters Degree in Chiropractic from the Durban University of Technology. In addition he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Sport Science at the University of Stellenbosch in 2009. He further successfully completed the additional necessary modules of the BSc Sport Science degree to be competent to practice as a Personal Fitness Instructor.

He is very driven and passionate about sport and chiropractic. Being a competitive sportsman himself that represented his province in athletics and the Stellenbosch University (MATIES) 1st rugby team, he is well aware of the benefits of an active lifestyle and also the toll that it takes on the body. According to him chiropractic will not only optimize your potential in sports but in all facets of life. His emphasis is based on a healthy, active lifestyle and optimal functional spinal health. “The Chiropractic profession is unique in the sense that it is focused on treating the CAUSE of the complaint/injury/illness and not just the symptoms”. According to him Chiropractic is therefore considered “health-care” and not “sick care”.

His approach involves: making an accurate diagnosis by taking a full medical case history, physical and regional examinations followed by the incorporation of evidence-based treatment protocols. Treatment includes: Spinal and extremity manipulative therapy, soft tissue/trigger point therapy (Dry needling, active release therapy, impulse adjusting, kinesiotaping and strapping), patient education and referrals.

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