Lorraine Blaauw, Oncologist

Dr Lorraine Blaauw

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Dr Lorraine Blaauw

Tel: 018 468 1420

Specialty/Specialties: Radiation Oncologist

Area(s): Klerksdorp, Potchefstroom .

Focus areas:

Hospital/Facility Affiliations: Unspecified

Cost and Payment information:

Cost, 1st consult: Medical aid rates, (approx R1,000)
Payment options for consults, if you have a savings account or authorisation: Practice claims from medical aid
Contracted Medical Aids: Most Medical Aids
Note: This information is here as a guideline, and needs to be confirmed by patient at time of making appointment. Not all medical aids are accepted by all doctors. Consult fees can include tests and other extras. Do you have more accurate information? Let us know!

Contact details:

Address 1: Wilmed Park Hospital, Cnr Marmer & Ametis Street, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp, 018 468 1420
Address 2: Mediclinic, Blok 2, Suite 5,
Website: https://www.oncology-sa.co.za/
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More about Dr Lorraine Blaauw

Dr Lorraine Blaauw qualified in 2001 with MBChB from the University of Free State. She worked as a resident medical officer in Brentwood, England after completing her internship and community service.

In 2005 she worked in the oncology unit at Provincial Hospital Port Elizabeth. In 2006 she was accepted as a registrar in oncology in the Bloemfontein Oncology Department. She completed her studies in 2010 and worked as a junior consultant in Port Elizabeth oncology unit. She joined Alberts, Bouwer & Jordaan in Klerksdorp in December 2011 and still works there currently.

In her spare time she travels and creates mosaic art.

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