Sonja Mann, audiologist

Sonja Mann

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Sonja Mann

Tel: (012) 993 3981

Specialty/Specialties: Audiologist

Area(s): Pretoria, , .

Focus areas: hearing aids

Hospital/Facility Affiliations: Unspecified

Cost and Payment information:

Cost, 1st consult: R1,200-R1,800 (approximate)
Payment options for consults, if you have a savings account or authorisation: Practice claims from medical aid
Co-payments / Admin fees payable
Contracted Medical Aids: Most medical aids
Note: This information is here as a guideline, and needs to be confirmed by patient at time of making appointment. Not all medical aids are accepted by all doctors. Consult fees can include tests and other extras. Do you have more accurate information? Let us know!

Contact details:

Address 1: 545 Douglas Scholtz St, Constantia Park, (012) 993 3981
Do you have more accurate information? Let us know!


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More about Sonja Mann

I believe that there is nothing better than to improve people’s quality of life by improving their hearing.

It is a privilege for me to use my knowledge to bring a new sparkle to the eye of those who are struggling with hearing loss, and who trusts that the utmost is done to improve their communication skills with empathy and love.

I started my career in 1980 working as a speech therapist and audiologist in a state hospital until 1986 when I became the senior audiologist. From 1990 to 1991 I became the Head of Audiology Department. During this time I was also lecturing to the ear, nose and throat specialists in training, fifth-year medical students, B.Com Nursing students and M.Prax medical practitioners. In 1992 I decided to spread my wings and started my own practice and never looked back.

I also taught at the University of Pretoria’s Department of Communication Pathology and am still educating students on an on-going basis.

I have published in medical- as well as three circular magazines and did some Television presentations and radio talks on different radio stations.

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